Monday, September 26, 2016

Fall Break Opportunity...

Field Trip - Peter's Pumpkins & Carmen's Corn
Wednesday October 19th 

Wednesday, October 19th CA's Clubhouse is offering a Field Trip to Peter's Pumpkins & Carmen's Corn in Shakopee. 

Cost is $40 per student which includes the daily Clubhouse rate ($25) plus the field trip cost ($15).

Thursday & Friday Clubhouse will remain at school, cost of care is $25 per day. 

Registration for both closes Monday, October 10 and payments must be made in advance. 
We cannot guarantee space after the registration deadline.
Please contact Cathy Kerber at for registration.

**We reserve the right to cancel Clubhouse for a specific day(s) if enrollment does not reach 10 students.  You will be notified October 11 if Clubhouse will not be open and your payment will be credited. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

News and Upcoming Event
  • PAVE meeting Tuesday, Sept. 13 @ 6:30 PM.  All are welcome!
  • Spirit Week:
    Sept. 19—PJ’s/Comfy Clothes
    Sept. 20—Favorite Character (book or movie)
    Sept. 21—Crazy Hair/Mismatch Day
    Sept. 21—Favorite Color Day
    Sept. 22—Cultural/International Day
    *Must wear socks and shoes every day!
    *Follow modesty rules. 
  • Sept. 28--Lifetouch Photo Day  (Non-Uniform Day)
  • Sept. 30--College T-Shirt Day and OSA 2:45-3:15