Mrs. Muehlenhardt

Hello Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s),

Well, this was an unexpected short week!  I was NOT expecting a snow day on April 3rd!  It sure seems like January outside!?

SCIENCE: We started Chemistry this week.  We have learned about matter, solids, liquids, gasses, and a bit about the Periodic Table.  Students were given a project at the end of the day:  The Element Project.  This will be due April 16th.  

     Note:  The element project was handed out at the end of the day.  Students will
          need to research their element.  Using that information, they will create a                poster.  They need to find out who discovered their 
          element, the chemical symbol, the number of protons, the appearance, and
          8 points of interest.  I have sample posters that I will show students on  
         Monday. For the time being, if they could start research this weekend                     I wanted them to have their elements chosen.  One other thing - if you need
         to purchase poster board, I wanted you to have some time to do that!
         We will also be talking about atoms on Monday and then I will teach them               about the chemical symbol, protons, and appearance. is a good website students can use to find information. Please let me know if you have questions - this project isn't due until April 16th and students will get more information Monday.

A look at next week....

Muehlenhardt's MUM Class
Students will be taking their interims on Monday and Tuesday. Then we will be starting our data analysis unit. 

Muehlenhardt's MUR Class
Students will continue reading and discussing the book Among the Hidden.

Muehlenhardt's Science/History Class
Students will be starting our unit on "The Westward Expansion After the Civil War".  We will also be learning about the West Region States and Capitals.

*Important Dates*
March 23rd - Early Release/OSA
March 26th-30th - Spring Break
April 2nd - No School

I hope that you had a great weekend! 

December 11th-15th 

Students will continue working on our Algebra unit. Including word problems and solving two step problems. 

Students will be starting their unit on drama and poetry this week.

Core Knowledge:
Students will be continuing with our unit on Dynasties of China. Topics for next week will include, The Peddler's Curse, Town and Country, The Mongol Invasions, Kublai Khan and Marco Polo, The Forbidden City and The Last Dynasty. FYI: There will be no test on this unit.

December 4th - 8th 

Students will be taking a fractions and decimal test on Monday, then we will be diving into algebra. 

Students will continue to work on our historical non fiction unit.  The class have been really interested in where their ancestors came from as we read about Angel and Ellis Island last week. 

Core Knowledge:
Students will be starting a unit on Dynasties of China. Students have been working on the Midwest Region there will be a test on Friday, December 8th.
Your child has a study guide in their Core Knowledge folder of their Pride Binder. Please make sure that when they are done studying, the packet goes back in their Pride Binder because we use it at school too. 

Winter Gear:  Please remember to send coats, hats, gloves, snow pants, and boots to school for recess.

WOW! What an amazing Veteran's Day program!! Our students sang beautifully and it was an awesome way to honor our veterans.  Thank you to those of you who have served or are serving in the military!  

Next week will be a busy week students will be taking an ACT test in MUM, MUR and Core Knowledge.  We will also be wrapping up our trimester on November 21st

Looking ahead, the at home history project is due Friday, November 17th.  There will be a final test for Europe in the Middle Ages on Thursday, November 16th

Grandparents day is November 21st from 1:00-end of day.  From 1:00-2:10, grandparents are invited to be in the classrooms. At 2:30, there will be an OSA and grandparents are invited to join us.

Please let me know before Tuesday, Nov. 21st if your child will be going home with their grandparents after the OSA.

Tuesday - November 21st - College T-Shirt Day

It was a very cold day for recess today.  Please make sure your child is coming to school with the appropriate winter gear!

Gobble Grams:  The school store will be selling gobble grams this Friday, Nov. 10th and next Nov. 17thGobble Grams will be $2 and students will have an opportunity to write a message to peers or staff on why they are grateful for them.
The gram will include t-day swag (non edible)
 Each gram will be delivered to homerooms Nov. 21st in the morning. 

Upcoming Calendar Events
Nov. 16:  Give to the Max
Nov. 21:  Grandparents’ Day and OSA 1:00-3:15
Nov. 21:  End of 1st Trimester
Nov. 22-24:  No School

October 31st, 2017

In Minnesota, 1 in 6 children are living at risk of hunger. Carver County food banks help to feed 15,000 people a year, with more than 40% of their support going to people under the age of 18.

Cologne Academy's National Junior Honor Society is once again partnering with food shelves around our community, and Mackenthun's Stuff-A-Truck program, to bring help to families in need this holiday season. Please donate non-perishable food and hygiene products to CA's efforts to help our community.  We will have a donation site in our classroom where students can place their donations.  These will be picked up and totaled daily by members of NJHS.

Waconia's current most wanted items are pasta sauce, pasta, peanut butter, canned foods, and soup. They are also looking for boxed or canned holiday food items such as boxed potato flakes, canned gravy, boxed stuffing, and vegetables. In addition, many of the clients that receive support from the food shelf are looking for jobs, so personal care products are greatly appreciated.

Thank you for helping us help the community!  

**Food items will be picked up on Friday, November 10th to be brought to the food shelf.

Dear Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s),

Winter Gear:  The snow is here!  Please remember to send coats, hats, gloves, snow pants, and boots to school for recess.

Interims:  Students worked on their MUR interim this week.  Next week, Monday and Tuesday, students will work on their MUM interim.  These assessments are so important because they help us determine our path for teaching/reteaching/and spiraling review.  

History:  We finished up Geology before MEA break.  We are currently working on Europe in the Middle Ages.  This far, we have learned about the Fall of Rome, the Two Churches, and we'll continue to learn about the Feudal System, Knights, and Castles.  Today, your child will be bringing home a Castle or Newspaper Project.  Students can decide which project they would rather do.  The due date for the project is November 17th.  If you need help with research materials, let me know.

Spiritwear and sweatshirt orders close on October 30th and this will be the last order until Spring.  They will arrive in early December.  If you are shopping for gifts and wish to surprise your student, select "Hold in Office" for your homeroom teacher and we will notify you that your order has arrived.  See the link below.

Weekly Preview 10/2-10/6

MUM Class:
Students will began working on long division this week. We will continue to work on multiplication and division facts.  When students can solve simple multiplication or division facts easily, it really makes a multi-step problem easier.  Please continue working on math facts!

MUR Class: 

This week students will continue reading The Genius Files and our short stories unit. Spelling homework will be coming home on Tuesday.

Core Knowledge:
We will continue learning about Geology.  Students have learned the layers of the earth.  We will continue our learning about Alfred Wegener, Pangea, earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.

Weekly Preview 9/25-9/29

MUM Class:
This week students will continue working on multiplying 3 by 2 digit numbers and real world word problems involving multiplication.  We will also began working on long division. 

MUR Class:
This week students will began reading The Genius Files and our short stories unit. Spelling homework will be coming home on Monday.

Core Knowledge:
This week students will finish up our unit on World Mountains. We will began our first science unit on geology, topics will include introducing geology, Earth's layers, Pangaea and sea floor spreading.
Students who received a 77% or less on their Northeast regions test will be retesting on Wednesday, 9/27.  All students are welcome to retake their test. 

Make it ORANGE and make it end! What are your true colors when it comes to bullying? If you care about safe and supportive schools and communities make your color ORANGE on Unity Day. That’s the day everyone can come together – in schools, communities, and online – and send one large ORANGE message of support, hope, and unity to show that we are together against bullying and united for kindness, acceptance and inclusion. This is going to be on Oct. 25th. 

Picture day is Wednesday, September 27th, 2017. Your child may come to school out of uniform. Order forms went home Sept. 12th. Please let me know ASAP if you need another form.

Weekly Preview 9/18-9/22

MUM Class:
This week we will be learning about multiplication by one, two, and three digit numbers. 

MUR Class  
This week students will be learning more about folktales and myths. We will also be discussing and answering questions about them. 
 Spelling homework will be coming home on Monday. 

Core Knowledge:
Next week, we will be starting our unit on world mountains. Topics for next week include, introducing mountains, mountain animals, mountains as barriers and making the most out of mountains. 
The states and capitals test on the Northeast states will be on Friday, September 22nd. Students need to know the capital and the location for the test. They have a study guide in their core knowledge (CK) folder of their Pride Binder. Please make sure this packet gets put back in their folder when they are done studying because we will be using it at school, as well. The packet is also due on the day of the test, Sept. 22nd.

Weekly Preview 9/11-15

MUM Class:
This week students will be working on rounding and estimation.  

This week students will be learning more about folktales. We will also be reading folktales, discussing and answering questions about them.  Spelling homework will be coming home on Monday. 

States and Capitals:  Students learn the states and capitals in fourth grade.  This year, we plan to spend time daily on the different regions of the United States.  Currently, we are learning about the Northeastern Region.  In class, students started filling out a packet of information.  We have filled in the states and capitals.  Students were instructed to put the packet in their PRIDE binders to take home.  This way, you can start studying with them!  Our first states and capitals test is scheduled for Friday, September 22nd.

History:  We are learning about maps.  We learned about how a map key helps you understand a map better.  We learned what a map scale is.  Next week, we will be learning about latitude and longitude.  Students will use coordinates to find things on a map as well as create a map using different map tools.  The test for maps is scheduled for the end of next week.

Spirit Week:  September 18-22

Mon- PJ/ comfy clothes
Tues- Dress your Best- be fancy!
Wed- Sport/Athletic wear 
Thurs- Throwback Thursday: 80's & 90's attire!
Fri: Be your 'selfie"- dress like you!

On Sept 13th, CA will participate in Character Day.  Numerous schools and organizations around the world take part in this day in efforts to show that being a person of character matters!
 You can participate by taking photos with your friends and family with a sign that says "my character matters" and posting on social media. Don't forget to tag CA and use the hashtag (s)  #CultivatingCharacter #CologneAcademy

Weekly Preview 9/5-9/8

Mrs. Muehlenhardt's MUM Class
This week, students will be learning about number sense. Topics will include, numbers to 100,000 (standard form, word form and expanded form), comparing numbers to 100,000 and estimation. 

Mrs. Muehlenhardt's MUR Class
This week, students will be learning about and setting up Shared Inquiry discussions and how we will be using it through the school year. Students will also be learning about folktales, reading short stories, discussing them and providing answers based on text evidence. 

Mrs. Muehlenhardt's Science/History Class
This week, students will be starting a unit on using maps. Topics for this week include, measuring distance on a map, latitude and longitude and finding a place on a map. We will also be learning about the New England states and capitals.

Remember to continue to check your students planner and initial them every night!  

Welcome to fourth grade with Mrs. Muehlenhardt!
I hope you have had a great summer and are ready to get back to school and LEARN! I look forward to meeting you. I am confident we will have a fantastic year. I have been busy planning lessons and activities that will challenge you to grow both academically and socially.
A little bit about me…
I have worked at Cologne Academy for the past 6½ years, and have worn many hats:  special education paraprofessional, kindergarten fellow, and I am starting my 4th year of teaching 4th grade.   
I live in Belle Plaine with my husband, Scott, and our two sons Miles (8) and Oliver (5).  We live in the country and enjoy spending time outside, going on vacation to Duluth, gardening and spending time on our family-owned dairy farm.  I am also a big Minnesota Vikings and Wild fan, and love to watch them with my boys!
I absolutely love teaching 4th grade! It is my mission to instill a love for learning in my students. I attempt to teach with a passion for my subjects so that my students develop a desire to become life-long learners.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  It is so important to keep communication open between us.  I look forward to a great year together!

Mrs. Muehlenhardt