The bitter cold winds of winter are upon us! We go outside if the weather (including wind chill) is 0 and above. We want to have a happy, healthy time outside! The children should be bringing their boots, hats, warm and water-proof mittens, coats, snowpants... every single day. They will also wear everything home each day.
Please be sure that all of your child's items are labeled with their name so we can return lost items to their owner.
Please note the following from the Family Handbook:
RECESS K-4th Grade Many students use the playground during recess. Therefore, we have rules to ensure the students’ safety. We do not allow rough games, tackle football, fighting, hardballs, snowballs, baseball bats, skateboards, or other objects that may cause injury in a congested area. School rules of courtesy and respect apply to the playground as well. If a student breaks a safety rule, the rules will be reviewed. He/she will be warned and the parent/guardian will be informed by a phone call or letter. We are concerned for the safety of each child at our school. Please discuss the importance of following our playground safety rules with your child. Students will be taken outside for recess every day, weather permitting, above zero degrees Fahrenheit wind chill. When there is visible snow on the ground, snow pants, boots, hat, and mittens are required. Students who fail to bring adequate winter attire will be permitted to borrow gear from the lost and found. If there are no items available, they will be allowed a one-time pass to remain indoors, and a parent phone call will be made to provide the proper attire for the following day. Further unpreparedness will result in the student attending recess outdoors. November through April we require that all students bring full winter gear (jackets, snow pants, boots, hat, and mittens).
Tis the season of weather related school closings.
We all know that it is that time of the year in Minnesota when parents and staff must be prepared for the possibility of delayed start, early release, or school closing due to weather.
In the event of questionable weather be sure to pay attention for a SchoolWay notification (this is the quickest way for you to know), an email from Main Office, or watch for 'Cologne Academy' on the WCCO or KARE11 weather related announcements.
Important Unexpected Early Release Information
It is extremely important that you are aware of the plan you put in place for your child(ren) at the start of the school year, bus or carline (Clubhouse will NOT be available), should we need to send students home early. If you need to confirm or change your plan on record please contact the office today. Thank you!
We respectfully request that you use the communications methods listed for information and announcements regarding weather related school closings and avoid phoning the school office during inclement weather or announced early releases unless it is absolutely necessary.
We respectfully request that you use the communications methods listed for information and announcements regarding weather related school closings and avoid phoning the school office during inclement weather or announced early releases unless it is absolutely necessary.