Ms. Wabbe

May 18th, 2018

MsWabbe's MUM Class
Next week, we will be doing fun end of the year project.  Students will be reviewing what we have learned this year by creating a map.  Our last day of MUM is going to be Thursday, May 24th.

Ms. Wabbe’s MUR Class
Next week, we will be finishing our book, The Boxcar Children.  We will have class discussions on what we read throughout the last few chapters and summarizing the book at the end.  Our last day of MUR is going to be Thursday, May 24th. 

Ms. Wabbe’s Science/History Class
Next week, we will be finishing up our President Project.  Students are creating a poster or a Google Doc and sharing them with the class.  If they choose to do a poster, please have them come to school with their materials so they can work on it in class 

Next week, May 21st-25th is SPIRIT WEEK! 
M- Comfy clothes/PJ’s

T- Genre day- dress in a genre of music, history, fashion trends, etc.

W- Sports day (hats are allowed)  

Th- Throw it back to the 80’s 

F- Funky socks with college t-shirts and out of uniform bottoms

*Important Dates*
May 21st-25th: Spirit Week
May 25th: College T-Shirt Day, OSA, Early Release at 1:00 pm
May 28th: No School
May 29th: Field Day
May 30th: All School Field Trips
May 31st: Last Day of School 

SPIRIT WEEK - MAY 21st-25th

M- comfy clothes/PJ’s

T- genre day- dress in a genre of music, history, fashion trends, etc.

W- Sports day (hats are allowed)  

Th- throw it back to the 80’s 

F- Funky socks, college t-shirts, non-uniform bottoms! Add some fun to your outfit. The crazier, the better!

May 11th, 2018
Hello 4th Grade Families, 

The weeks seem to be going faster and faster!  The kids were a little bummed by the weather today, but they did not let that stop them from enjoying each others company outside!

Teacher Appreciation Week was very special for me!  Thank you for everything that you have done for me!  I feel so loved (:  The students loved to watch me admire their gifts and display them around the room.  It was been a really great experience for all of us.  Thank you for your support of me and my teaching. I appreciate all the conversations I've had with you this year!  I appreciate the support you show your children!   Thanks for sharing your children with me - I truly enjoy coming to work every day

HISTORY:  We finished up our Economics unit on Tuesday and began our Presidents projects on Wednesday.  Students are researching and finding facts about a president of their choosing.  When they are finished with their research, they will be turning their information into a Google Slide or a poster These will be presented to the class on May 24th.

May 14th - College T-Shirt Day
May 14th-15th - MUM Interim
May 15th - 4th Grade Spring Concert @ 7:00 P.M.
May 16th-17th - MUR Interim
May 21st-25th - Spirit Week
May 25th - Early Release/OSA
May 28th - No School
May 29th - Field Day
May 30th - Zoo Field Trip


April 27th, 2018
A look at next week....

Ms. Wabbe’s MUM Class:
Next week we will continue with our Measurement unit.

Ms. Wabbe’s MUR Class:
Today, we started a new book!  We will be reading the very first book in the Boxcar Children Series.  We will read and discuss the story as a class.

Ms. Wabbe’s Science/History Class:
We will continue with our unit on Economics.  Students enjoyed talking about scarcity this week and needs vs. wants.  We also discussed when it would be a good thing for something to be scarce.  We had some really awesome conversations!

**Quick reminder: if you have not already, please remember to sign your child up for our last field trip.  We are going to the Minnesota Zoo!  You have to sign the permission slip through a google doc, then pay for the field trip on Boonli.  If you are interested in being a chaperone, please email me directly.  We would love to have parents join us.  Thank you to those of you who have already volunteered! (:

Permission Slip Link:

To pay for the Field trip in Boonli:

1. Log into your Boonli account at
2. Change the month to May
3. Select Your Child's Grade Level Field Trip Tab
4. Select "May 30" as the calendar date
5. Select the student in that grade attending the field trip (if you have multiple CA students) 
6. Field trip will pop up and with one click will be added to their cart. (note: the permission slip is linked to the Boonli page as a Google form, if you click on the ⓘ it will pop up for you to fill out.)  
7. If you have multiple children, you will need to complete steps 3-6 for each child.
8. Proceed with check-out in Boonli (You must check out to complete your transaction; items left in your cart are not paid for).

April 20th, 2018

Has spring finally sprung?!  Hooray for warmer weather!  With this comes a lot of puddles...please send your student to school with some form of boots.  This way, we can keep the bottom of their pants dry (:
A look at next week....

Ms. Wabbe’s MUM Class:
Next week we will be starting our Measurement Unit.  We will be learning about Standard Measurement and the Metric System.

Ms. Wabbe’s MUR Class:
Next week we will be taking our MCA's for reading.  These are on Tuesday the 24th through Thursday the 26th.  We will also have a make up day on Friday the 27th for students who need more time.

Ms. Wabbe’s Science/History Class:
We will be starting a unit on Economics!  Topics next week will include: scarcity, needs vs. wants, and decision making.

*Important Dates*
Reading MCA – April 24th-27th
OSA/College T-Shirt Day – April 27th

**With students taking the MCA's again next week,  please help by making sure your child is getting an adequate amount of sleep at night and having a healthy breakfast in the morning (: 

April 13th, 2018
A look at next week....

Ms. Wabbe’s MUM Class:
Next week we will begin taking our Math MCA.  This will go from Tuesday the 17th- Wednesday the 18th.  We also have that Thursday and Friday as make up days for the MCA, if needed.  They will be given as much time as they need to complete the test. 

Ms. Wabbe’s MUR Class:
Next week we will continue reviewing for the MCA.  We will also be practicing some great test taking strategies.

Ms. Wabbe’s Science/History Class:
We will continue our unit on Chemistry.  Student’s will complete their element project and we will begin presenting those to the class on Monday.  I can’t wait to see their lovely posters (:

**With students taking the MCA's next week,  please help by making sure your child is getting an adequate amount of sleep at night and having a healthy breakfast in the morning (: 

*Important Dates*
Math MCA – April 17th – 20th  
Reading MCA – April 24th-27th
OSA/College T-Shirt Day – April 27th

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask.

March 16th, 2018
Happy Friday!

It has been a wonderful week! We have been reviewing for our MUM Interims as well as finishing up our MUR Interims.  The kids have been enjoying the (somewhat) nice weather to play outside in! We may have to trade in our snow gear for rain boots (:

In writing this week, we presented our Research Projects.  These awesome 4th graders made google slides with their information about the state of their choosing.  They were able to share with the class and the students asked some pretty interesting questions!  We really enjoyed learning about 21 different states.

A look at next week....

Ms. Wabbe's MUM Class
Next week, we will be taking our Interims.  Interims for MUM are on Monday and Tuesday.

Ms. Wabbe’s MUR Class
Next week, we will be finishing up our unit on Scientific Nonfiction.   We will also be practicing our text structures and how to identify them in a text.

Ms. Wabbe’s Science/History Class
Next week, we will be starting our unit on "The Westward Expansion After the Civil War".  We will also be learning about the West Region States and Capitals.

*Important Dates*
March 23rd - Early Release/OSA
March 26th-30th - Spring Break

February 23rd, 2018

A look at next week....

Ms. Wabbe's MUM Class
Next week, we will be continuing with our geometry unit. Topics will include area and perimeter, polygons, lines of symmetry, and congruent figures.

Ms. Wabbe’s MUR Class
Next week, we will be starting our unit on Scientific Text.  We will be taking a short quiz on the poetry terms we have been learning about and practicing.  We will also be reviewing our text structures that we learned about this week.

Ms. Wabbe’s Science/History Class
Next week, we will continue with our Civil War Unit (:

Ms. Wabbe's Writing Class

We have been working on a Research Project about a state of their choosing.  They have been researching in class and working on Google Docs to create a presentation with their information.  We will wrap these up next week and start presenting them (:

*Important Dates*

February 26th-March 2nd: Pennies for Patients Fundraiser
February 27th: 4th Grade Field Trip to Science Museum
February 27th: PAVE Meeting at 6:30 pm
February 28th: Lifetouch Spring Photos
March 2nd: Read-a-Thon
March 2nd and 3rd: Spring Musical at 7:00 pm
March 9th: Spaghetti Dinner at 5:00 pm

Read-A-Thon - March 2nd
Cologne Academy will be celebrating the love and passion of reading on Friday, March 2nd through our Read-A-Thon. All students in grades K-8 will be reading a total of 120 minutes throughout the school day. We will have various Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) times throughout the day. Additionally, K-5 students will travel to the band room to participate in our "camp-in". Twinkly lights and tents will welcome our scholars and create a super cozy atmosphere where they can snuggle up with a great book! In addition, we encourage all students to wear their comfiest clothes and bring their favorite book(s) to school with them on March 2nd. But wait...there's more!  Your child(ren) may also bring a favorite stuffed animal, blanket, or pillow, as well! 

Today, Friday, February 23rd, your child will be coming home with a fundraising envelope. As always, any and all collected donations are greatly appreciated as they will be used to support literacy initiatives at Cologne Academy. Please return all donations and envelopes to school on Thursday, March 1st

We look forward to celebrating our passion and love for reading with your child(ren) through our Read-A-Thon here at Cologne Academy!

Pennies for Patients - Feb. 26 - March 2

Send in pennies, nickles, dimes and quarters with your child next week for Cologne Academy's Pennies for Patients Drive (Feb. 26-March 2)

For the fifth  year in a row, Cologne Academy extends their partnership to Pennies for Patients, a local organization that takes its proceeds to support kids with cancer. Pennies for Patients is a part of the Leukemia Lymphoma Society that teams with schools to ask students to bring in their pennies to save lives. 

We will be competing with other classes during the week to see who can bring in the most coins. We are going to be weighing the classroom buckets at the end of each day. Whoever has the heaviest bucket at the end of the week will win a non-uniform day for the entire class.

On Friday, students can bring in $3 if they would like to wear a HAT. Please send dollar bills on Friday for wearing the hat because each dollar will be counted as a half of pound to our bucket.

February 9th, 2018
Happy Friday!

Conferences - Conferences are next week (Monday and Thursday).  You should sign up with your child's MUM and MUR teachers.  Thank you to those of you who have already signed up!

History - We are learning about the Civil War.  So far, students have learned about slavery (slave and free states).  They have learned about the Missouri Compromise, the Underground Railroad, and we have discussed the Declaration of Independence where it states:
We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Spring Pictures - Spring picture order forms were handed out this week.  Spring pictures are Wednesday, February 28th.  

Valentine's Day - We will exchange Valentines on Wednesday, February 14th.  Bringing Valentines to school is optional, but if your child chooses to bring them in, they need to bring one for each child in the classroom.  A class list was sent out earlier this week.

Field Trip - Our field trip to the Science Museum of MN is Tuesday, February 27th.  If you have signed up to chaperone, your name is on a list and we will be meeting as a team to make final decisions on Monday.  You will be notified after that.  Thank you for your interest in joining us!  

Book Fair will be open during conferences on Monday and Thursday at these times:
Monday 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Thursday 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

*Important Dates*
February 12th: Conferences (4:00 pm to 8:00 pm)
February 15th: Conferences (4:00 pm to 8:00 pm)
February 16th: No School
February 19th: No School
February 27th: Field Trip - Science Museum

February 2nd, 2018
Looking ahead at next week...

MsWabbe's MUM:
Next week, we will be continuing with our geometry unit. We will be learning about triangles as well as reviewing lines, rays, line segments, points, and angle types.

Ms. Wabbe’s MUR:
Next week, we will be comparing and contrasting poems.  We will also be working on determining types of figurative language that we find within poems.

Ms. Wabbe's Core Knowledge:
Next week, we will be continuing with our unit on the Civil War. 

*Important Dates*
February 12th: Conferences (4:00 pm to 8:00 pm)
February 15th: Conferences (4:00 pm to 8:00 pm)
February 16th: No School
February 19th: No School

January 26th, 2017

It has been a wonderful week!  We had a great time celebrating Cologne Academy's 10 year anniversary today at our OSA.  We also celebrated School Choice Week this week.  The kids did great with their dance at the OSA (:

Student's participating in the Concordia Language trip left today at 12:20.  They will return on Sunday.  I can't wait to hear about their adventures!

A look into next week...

Ms. Wabbe's MUM - We started learning about lines, line segments, rays, and points in our Geometry unit in MUM this week.  We learned how to draw them, identify them, and name them.  We even played a fun game where students were put in groups to answer questions about the things we have learned so far this week.  Next week we will continue learning about different aspects of Geometry, while still reviewing fractions, decimals, and other things that were present on our last interim.

Ms. Wabbe's MUR - we will continue practicing Poetry.  We are focusing on reading poems to determine the rhyme pattern as well as the rhythm. 

Ms. Wabbe's Core Knowledge - We will continue reading and discussing the Westward Expansion.  Next weeks topics will include: Canals and Railroads, the land, Texas joining the Union, and Oregon.  We enjoyed learning about Lewis and Clark and their travels to discover new land!

January 17th, 2017

Join Cologne Academy as we celebrate School Choice Week with a collaborative Expo on
Thursday, January 25th from 5-7pm
showcasing art projects, science and history displays,
and Spanish performances!

Please stop and look at your students classwork on their desks and take it home the night of the Expo.

Their will be a bus shuttle from St. Bernards Catholic Church to CA running about every 10 minutes.

Don't forget to vote for best in show award for the Art Show.

December 8th, 2017

The cold weather has hit!!!  Please make sure your children come to school with HATS, MITTENS/GLOVES, SNOW PANTS, AND BOOTS!  

In history today, we took our states and capitals test for the Midwestern Region.  We will continue with another region of the United States AFTER winter break.  Thank you for your support and for helping your child study!  We will have a re-take for the test on Monday.  Overall, everyone did great!  Also, in history, we are learning about the Dynasties of China.  We have learned about The Great Wall of China, The Clay Army, and The Silk Road.  

Upcoming Event:  Concert December 12
Grade 3 Concert

6:00 pm
Grade 4 Concert
7:00 pm
A Note from Mrs. Suhr: 
Good afternoon 4th Grade Families,
The 4th Grade class has been busily preparing for our winter concert, "Holly Jolly Jukebox."  The concert is set for Tuesday, December 12th at 7 pm.  Students should go to their homeroom teacher's classroom at 6:45 pm.  Concert dress is dress up nicely.  Please no blue jeans or spaghetti strap tops.  
3rd Grade concert is at 6 pm that evening.   If you want to come early and watch both concerts we would love to have you!  If you arrive during the 3rd grade performance, we ask that you please remain in the foyer outside the gym until the conclusion of the third grade performance.
Thank you all and see you on the 12th. 


We want to know what YOU think about our school.  We have the great opportunity to participate in a study that helps us collect and understand your opinion of the climate of our school.
This study will seek to establish the usefulness of the My Child’s Classroom Inventory-Short Form, a 25-item user-friendly survey designed to assess parents’/guardians’ perceptions of their child’s classroom environment. 

As you know, we are a PBIS school and our desire is to continue to grow a positive and sustainable classroom environment. Your input is very valuable!

Non-identifying data gathered from the survey will be stored in a secure online environment. Information will be kept confidential and secure and only the people working with the study will have access to the data unless required by law.

This survey will only take 10-15minutes. We greatly appreciate you taking your time to do this!

Please click on the following link:

Thank you for your continued communication!  I appreciate your emails about end of day changes, difficult mornings, or even your child "feeling under the weather."  The more I know, the easier it is for me to help your child have a successful day at school!  I thank you for your efforts, support, and care for your children!  Have a great weekend - stay warm!

December 5th, 2017
Good Afternoon Families (:

We want to know what YOU think about our school.  We have the great opportunity to participate in a study that helps us collect and understand your opinion of the climate of our school.

This study will seek to establish the usefulness of the My Child’s Classroom Inventory-Short Form, a 25-item user-friendly survey designed to assess parents’/guardians’ perceptions of their child’s classroom environment. 

As you know, we are a PBIS school and our desire is to continue to grow a positive and sustainable classroom environment. Your input is very valuable!

Non-identifying data gathered from the survey will be stored in a secure online environment. Information will be kept confidential and secure and only the people working with the study will have access to the data unless required by law.

This survey will only take 10-15minutes. We greatly appreciate you taking your time to do this!

Please click on the following link:

December 1st, 2017
Looking Ahead….

Ms. Wabbe’s MUR – we are reading more Shiloh next week.  We are very close to being finished, we are anxious to find out what happens!  We will also be focusing on words with au and aw for our spelling next week.

Ms. Wabbe’s MUM – we will review converting decimals to fractions and fractions to decimals.  Then we are diving into ALGEBRA!  Woohoo!

Core Knowledge – we are finishing up our unit on Islam on Monday.  After that, we are starting a unit on the Dynasties of China.  We will take our Midwest States and Capitals test on Friday the 8th.

We had a fun week this week!  We had a special visitor today.  My sister, Emma came in to spend some time with us during Core Knowledge.  She is a teacher in St. Cloud.  She showed us her class and what they are learning about right now.  She also told us about the different ways that her students say "no" and "yes".  The kids thought it was very interesting!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
As always, feel free to reach out with questions or concerns.

November 21st, 2017
Looking ahead...

Ms. Wabbe's MUM Class
​Next week, we will be continuing with our unit on decimals. They are ROCKING decimals!  I even had a couple "thank" me because "it's so easy!" (:

Ms. Wabbe’s MUR Class
​Next week, we will continue reading Shiloh.  Everyone is getting very involved with discussions and pulling evidence from the text in their answers!

Ms. Wabbe’s Science/History Class
WOW! I was so impressed by all the castle and newspaper projects. Thank you for the continued support with school work! 

Next week, we will be learning about our unit on The Spread of Islam. Topics for next week will include, The Pillars of Islam, Muhammad, The Spread of Islam, Islamic Culture and The Crusades.

*Important Dates*
November 21: End of Trimester 1
November 22-24: No School
December 6: All Star Moms (7:15 am in the cafeteria)

*Winter Gear Reminder*
Please remember to send coats, hats, gloves, snow pants, and boots to school for recess.

I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving! Please know that I am THANKFUL for each and every student and family in my wonderful class. 

NOVEMBER 17th, 2017
Looking ahead...
 Ms. Wabbe's MUM Class
​Next week, we will be continuing with our unit on decimals. Topics will include, adding and subtracting decimals.
 Ms. Wabbe’s MUR Class
​Next week, we will be continuing our reading of Shiloh.  Today we talked about our favorite parts and why they were important to us.  They are really enjoying this book!
 Ms. Wabbe’s Science/History Class
Next week, we will be presenting our Europe in the Middle Ages projects to the class.
 *Important Dates*
November 17th- 21st: Book Fair
November 21st: Grandparent's Day, OSA, College T-Shirt Day
***Next week we will be going to the book fair in our homerooms.  If you would like your child to be able to purchase some books, please send money on MONDAY.

*Grandparent's Day Information*
Tuesday, November 21st is Grandparent's Day!
Grandparents are invited to come visit their grandchildren in the classroom and take them to the book fair from 1:00 to 2:10. Then, we will invite the Grandparents to head to the gym for the OSA. The OSA will begin at 2:30. 
 Please let me know before Tuesday, Nov. 21st if your child will be going home with their grandparents after the OSA.

*Winter Gear Reminder*

Please remember to send coats, hats, gloves, snow pants, and boots to school for recess.

November 10th, 2017

MsWabbe's MUM Class
​Next week, we are starting to work with decimals.

Ms. Wabbe’s MUR Class
​Next week, we are reading more of Shiloh.  So far we have finished chapters 1-5 and had discussions about each chapter.
Ms. Wabbe’s Science/History Class
Next week, we will be finishing our unit on Europe in the Middle Ages (part 2). Topics for next week will include, Magna Carta, A New Kind of Government, The Hundred Years' War and Joan of Arc. 
*Southeast States and Capitals test were sent home today.  If your student has the word FIX written on their test, I would like them to retake the test.  If they do not have that, they may choose to retake it if they want to.  They will be given whichever score is higher.  Re-take test will be on Monday.
*Test on Europe in the Middle Ages (part 2): Nov. 16th (study guide is in their "core knowledge" folder.)
*At Home History Project is due Nov. 17th

November 7th
The school store will be selling gobble grams this Friday, Nov. 10th and next Nov. 17th
Gobble Grams will be $2 and students will have an opportunity to write a message to peers or staff on why they are grateful for them. The gram will include t-day swag (non edible) 

Each gram will be delivered to homerooms Nov. 21st in the morning. 

November 3rd, 2017
A preview of next week November 6th – November 10th...

Ms. Wabbe's MUR: we will be working more with our book SHILOH that we started this week.  We have read chapters 1 and 2 so far and had some great discussions.  We will also start a new spelling unit.  We will be focusing on words with soft c.

Ms. Wabbe's MUM: next week will be working more with fractions!  We have been practicing addition with fractions.  We will dive into subtracting fractions next week.

Core Knowledge: we will take our first Medieval Europe test on MONDAY.  Make sure you are studying with your student at home.  If they bring their study guide home with a parent signature, they will get extra credit on their test (:
After our test, we will start the second half of Medieval Europe.  We even moved our desks into Feudal Societies!
We are also studying the southeastern states.  We will take our test on those states and capitals on November 8th.

Next week we begin our food drive.  Students can bring in non-perishable and non-expired food items to donate to our local food shelf.  We will have a box in our classroom to place food items in.  Members of the National Junior Honor Society will collect the items daily and total them.  We are working as a grade level team to collect the most items!  If you have items to donate to our local food shelf, please send them in by November 10th (:

Have a wonderful weekend!

October 31st, 2017

In Minnesota, 1 in 6 children are living at risk of hunger. Carver County food banks help to feed 15,000 people a year, with more than 40% of their support going to people under the age of 18.

Cologne Academy's National Junior Honor Society is once again partnering with food shelves around our community, and Mackenthun's Stuff-A-Truck program, to bring help to families in need this holiday season. Please donate non-perishable food and hygiene products to CA's efforts to help our community.  We will have a donation site in our classroom where students can place their donations.  These will be picked up and totaled daily by members of NJHS.

Waconia's current most wanted items are pasta sauce, pasta, peanut butter, canned foods, and soup. They are also looking for boxed or canned holiday food items such as boxed potato flakes, canned gravy, boxed stuffing, and vegetables. In addition, many of the clients that receive support from the food shelf are looking for jobs, so personal care products are greatly appreciated.

Thank you for helping us help the community!  

**Food items will be picked up on Friday, November 10th to be brought to the food shelf.

October 18th, 2017


A little look into next week...

Ms. Wabbe's MUM - we are starting fractions!!  Our 1st interim will be October 30 & 31st.

Ms. Wabbe's MUR - we are learning more about theme next week.  We will be examining texts, to determine the theme of each.  We are also studying words with soft g's.

Core Knowledge - we will be learning more about Geology and how to classify rocks.

Have a wonderful MEA, we will see you back on Monday!

Thank you!

October 6th, 2017

What a great week!  Today we met our 1st grade buddies for the first time.  We wrote letters to them about what we were most excited to do with them this year.  Each student met their buddy and then read them their letter and a couple books.  It was a blast!!  They are already asking when we are coming back (:

Next Week:

Ms. Wabbe's MUR - we will be continuing our work with point of view and determining if a story is written in 1st or 3rd person.  Our spelling next week will focus on words with ou and ow.

Ms. Wabbe's MUM - we will be starting long division!  Woohoo!

Ms. Wabbe’s Core Knowledge - we will continue our studies in Geology.  Our test for Geology has not been set YET.  We are hoping to be ready BY Wednesday.  Students have a Geology note packet that they can study from.

Next week is also our first class party!!  On October 13th we will have our fall party.  Our room parents are doing all of the planning for that (: (Thank you!!)  They do ask that you send in a $2 donation for supplies.  Those should be in by Tuesday, October 10th.  You can send the donation with your student and I will collect it and get it to our room parents.  The party will begin at 2:30 and end at 3:15.  This way we have enough time to do all of our activities, get cleaned up, and get packed up to head home.  If you would like to donate or attend the party, please let me know.  If you would like to take your child home after the party, please arrange that with me and the office BEFORE the party.

Have a wonderful weekend!  Stay dry (:

Make it ORANGE and make it end! What are your true colors when it comes to bullying? If you care about safe and supportive schools and communities make your color ORANGE on Unity Day. That’s the day everyone can come together – in schools, communities, and online – and send one large ORANGE message of support, hope, and unity to show that we are together against bullying and united for kindness, acceptance and inclusion.

September 23rd, 2017
Looking ahead...

MsWabbe's MUM Class
​Next week, we will continue working on multiplication. We will also be learning about prime and composite numbers, factors, and how to identify the greatest common factor of a set of numbers.

Ms. Wabbe’s MUR Class
​Next week, we will be continuing with our fiction and short stories unit. We will be reading stories and discussing and answering questions about them.  We will also be working to discover the theme of these stories.  Our spelling next week will focus on long e words.

Ms. Wabbe’s Science/History Class
Next week, we will be starting our first science unit. The unit will be on geology. Topics for next week include, introducing geology, Earth's layers, Pangaea and sea floor spreading. 

Picture day is Wednesday, September 27th, 2017. Your child may come to school out of uniform. Order forms were sent home last week. Please let me know ASAP if you need another form.
*Important Dates*
September 26th: Parent Involvement Night at 6:30 pm
September 27th: Picture Day (order forms were sent home on Sept. 12th)
September 29th: College T-Shirt Day and OSA at 2:40 pm

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

On Sept 13th, CA will participate in Character Day.  Numerous schools and organizations around the world take part in this day in efforts to show that being a person of character matters!
 You can participate by taking photos with your friends and family with a sign that says "my character matters" and posting on social media. Don't forget to tag CA and use the hashtag (s)  #CultivatingCharacter #CologneAcademy

September 8th, 2017

Looking ahead...Sept. 11th-Sept. 15th

Ms. Wabbe's MUM Class
​Next week, we will be learning about multiplication by 1-digit and 2-digit numbers. 

Ms. Wabbe’s MUR Class
​Next week, we will be learning more about Fiction and the parts of a Fictional story.  We will be reading 2 different stories that go along with that genre.

Ms. Wabbe’s Science/History Class
​Next week, we will be finishing our unit on using maps. Topics for next week include, longitude and latitude lines, finding a place on a map, time zones and how to read physical maps. We will end our week by taking an open-book test on our using maps unit on Friday.

Spirit week is Sept. 18th-22nd

Students can be creative with wear; as long as its school appropriate (with socks and shoes). 

Mon- PJ/comfy clothes
Tues- Dress your Best- be fancy!
Wed- Sport/Athletic wear 
Thurs- Throwback Thursday: 80's & 90's attire!
Fri: Be your 'selfie"- dress like you!

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

August 28th, 2017

Dear Fourth Grade Students and Families,

Welcome to 4th grade!  First of all, I hope that you had a wonderful summer and are preparing for the upcoming school year.  My name is Hanna Wabbe and I will be your 4th grade teacher.  I am looking forward to meeting each of you.  Let me tell you a little bit about myself.

I graduated from Minnesota State University, Moorhead in December of 2016 in Elementary Education, with experience in Kindergarten-5th grade.  I was hired at Cologne Academy after graduation last year and taught Math and Reading Interventions in grades K-4.  Additionally, I had the chance to co-teach with Mrs. Muehlenhardt during her 4th grade Reading class.

Here is some personal information about myself; I grew up in the small town of New Germany on a farm.  I love the outdoors, music, and animals.  Not only that, I also value time with family and friends. Teaching is very important to me and I believe joy is a huge part of student success.

This year, we will be learning a lot of new information.  I believe in helping students become life-long learners, while also learning how to become a better teacher myself.  In order for a child to succeed, I believe they need to learn from someone who displays a passion for teaching and learning, I will be that person for your child this year.  Learning and teaching are my #1 passions.  I cannot wait to work with you and your child to make 4th grade a positive learning experience!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at

Thank you!  I cannot wait to start the school year!

Ms. Hanna Wabbe